Hello world!
Yes... I'm still alive and kicking.
It's been a while, I know. I have been busier than ever living and loving with my incredible wife and sweet baby girl (who is 4 months old now if you can believe it...!!), and we're busier than ever.
This is a short post, more of an update on a new thing for me rather than a life story update... I have been dreaming for years upon years, ever since I began songwriting, of pursuing a way to bring my music to the world in a way that will share the message and blessing God has given me through this gift.I am beginning something new in the midst of my husband/father/full time worker life in this by sharing live recordings of some of my songs.
I have a desire to see this grow from what it is now, that the scale of those who can be touched would increase... but honestly it doesn't matter if it never becomes a "big thing" in he eyes of the world. I have such a passion for music and worshiping Jesus through it, and just want my gift to not be limited to just me.
So... all that said, I have begun working on some very simple, very raw recordings of songs i have written that will be uploaded to my YouTube page linked in my "Compositions" page. My hope in this is that people would simply be blessed.
It's not about me, it's about Him and I want to use what He has given me to show that. So, be blessed as I roll this thing out, and may He be given all the glory!
Can't wait to hear some of your music!