The Cookie...

This page is dedicated to the beautiful miracle given to Becca and I, our daughter Alizah Katherine.

Our little Cookie has been baking in Momma's oven for almost 5 months now, so we're more than halfway there! We found out at 20 weeks she was a she, and got to see her on the ultrasound doing headstands and cartwheels all over in Becca's womb! What a joy beyond describing... I will never forget the mesmerizing moments of watching our little baby in real time on screen... I can't wait to meet her in person!

It's a surreal thing to imagine myself as a dad... I'm still processing the reality of being married to Becca! I have confidence that baby Alizah will be so well taken care of and happy in our home just because of how amazing of a mother she is doubtless to be. I know that with her help I will be a good dad. I have been growing with anticipation more every day of the adventure that parenthood is going to be... Surely it will be so much more than I can imagine. I can't wait!