Friday, January 7, 2011

Persevering per serving...

Recently, we've been facing some pretty tough challenges. Getting started with a new life and a new family isn't always easy, and it takes time for a foundation to be laid and to become firm. I often have found myself considering at how in the world couples without Jesus as the cornerstone of their marriage ever make it through the challenges that life is sure to bring. Having Becca, an incredibly strong and passionate woman in the Lord, has made this obstacles so much more easy to overcome than would ever be by myself. My gratitude for her has exploded through the hard times we've faced, and it gives me an ever-growing confidence in the strength our our relationship for the long years ahead.

God has continually shown His sovereignty and revealed His goodness and love through every obstacle that has come our way. We have been through more transition and change in the last year than ever in our lives. And yet I feel closer to Him than ever. It's so beautiful how Jesus always makes a way out for us whenever something difficult comes out way, and ever more so how He uses those difficulties to make us better.

It's been hard considering how it's been one thing after another for so long now... but I cannot deny how God has daily given strength and hope to us. If anything, it's encouraging to know that God is building a testimony of our lives, and that's right in line with our hearts desire. We don't often think of proclaiming Christ with our lives in terms of just enduring the hardships of life, but often times, that's the most profound and powerful ways that Jesus accomplishes this through us. We all want to be in a place to shine Jesus and show His love and favor through the goodness and joy of our hearts and lives, but we can't forget that God desires to show His character and nature through all seasons and aspects of our lives, pleasant and unpleasant.

As we press forward, I am reminded of the attitude of thankfulness we are meant to have, not meant to be conditional on our circumstances. I hope this encourages you as the reader, to remember that no matter what's going on currently in your life, happy, hard, blessed, or oppressed, God is for us, and His heart is to work all things for the good of those who love Him.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate you sharing your testimony of God's faithfulness.

    He will take care of you both!
